Al-Hajjaj in the Arabic language curricula for the primary stage

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Hafidha Tazrouti


Through this study, we wanted to evaluate the Arabic language curricula for the primary stage from one angle, which is whether they approve - or not - the argumentative text, in order to embody the goals specified in the directive law for education, and to achieve the goals and competencies stipulated in the curricula themselves, with the aim of exploring horizons related to an important field, which is The educational field (didactic), because any didactic intervention that aims to influence the learner’s knowledge or give him certain competencies, should encompass his representations, with the aim of adapting all knowledge to his qualifications, which is known as didactic suitability (Appropriation didactique). In this regard, we acknowledge the necessity of including the argumentative text. Within the reading activities at the end of the primary stage, even if we are satisfied with its minimal structure, with the aim of developing the learner’s argumentative competence and making him use it better in various educational subjects, because of its great benefit that goes beyond the limits of the Arabic language subject.

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How to Cite
Tazrouti, H. (2010). Al-Hajjaj in the Arabic language curricula for the primary stage. AL-Lisaniyyat, 16(1), 76-96.


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