Shortcut codes in ancientArabic dictionaries

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Yasser Hamdou el darouich


This research is based on the idea of acronyms, which represents a reality we see
daily in newspapers, magazines, radio, television and social media in their various
types. So you can see words composed of separated letters, each of which refers to
a word taken from them, and becomes to forming a new woed with the other letters,
such as; (USA), (KSA), (CIA), (UAE)… etc.
This phenomenon - the phenomenon of acronyms- is not an emergent modern
phenomenon, but has roots in history. If we go back to the beginnings of the origin
of Arabic science, we find the first schoolars of Arabic, Hadith and the Koran
take the acronyms that refer to the names of authors, literature, writings, sciences,
countries, and positions.
And what we concerns about this phenomenon is its existence in the ancient
Arabic dictionaries, and to reveal the first who used it of the Arabic lexicographers,
and his way of dealing with them, and the extent of its service to his goal in
shortening and not prolonging, and whether he left it and returned to the origin that
the lexicographers walked long or not?
We have found answers to these questions after careful research and effort, and
a time spent on behalf of the researchers in the field of Arabic lexicography, and
there remains a free space of research waiting to be revealed, which is the case of
acronyms in modern dictionaries, may Allah creat who can enlighten its darkness,
and reveal its secrets.

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How to Cite
Hamdou el darouich, Y. (2018). Shortcut codes in ancientArabic dictionaries. AL-Lisaniyyat, 24(1), 233-282.


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