Ibn Khaldun Features of educational thought
Main Article Content
This article deals with the "genius"notion used by Ibn Khaldun to address the issues of science
education in general and language teaching and learning in particular. Many studies validated these
issues as the basic principles that would convey significant explanations and hard facts sought by
the individual due to the society in which he exists, whether it is in terms of the content and
substance or in terms of the methods used in the educational process; Therefore, it can be
considered to be based on scientific data that take into account the psychological, physiological and
social aspects of the educated individual despite the fact that it – appears – as mere features and
indications, - and it certainly – stems from the social and cultural experience of Ibn Khaldun over
many years, and which can be invested in the field of education nowadays, through using it in the
application of a number of different subjects.
Article Details
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