The evolution of modern language exercises from automation to creativity

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Fatma Zahra Zibouche


We want to show in this article that language learning cannot be reduced
to a single model regardless of its degree of completeness and importance,
but we must be open to all models that would enrich and benefit the process. possession of language and its creativity, through actual practice
and self-sufficiency of the learner and his directed personal activity. After
the language training was confined to the principle of training the learner
to intensive use of the language and stabilizing his linguistic behavior by
creating mechanisms for familiar use, it has revived and is based on training him in situations where language is produced, after experiences have
proven that the best, most profitable and solid type of learning is learning
that takes place in actual practice in different communicative situations.

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How to Cite
Zibouche, F. Z. (2021). The evolution of modern language exercises from automation to creativity. AL-Lisaniyyat, 27(2), 91-107.


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