Pre-service Training Prospects in the Algerian University: Between Achievements and Challenges

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Naziha Ben Osmane


The mission of higher education all over the world is to produce
responsible citizens with knowledge and more than that, a sense
of a ‘know- to- do’. In the Algerian context, education is facing a
serious problem of low quality in teaching practices and professional development of teachers, from primary schools to secondary
ones. The quality of pre-service training would be one originator
of the cited issue. Indeed, when setting objectives, the growth of
the new knowledge trainees get from university remains important, but the other crucial point is to provide those future teachers
with the necessary readiness to enter the teaching world. In this
sense, institutions are required to meet the trainees’ needs and the
professional requirements. Effective pre-service training in higher
education addresses enhancing quality teaching (QT) and learning
outcomes, and appeals a range of challenges at a time when the university sector needs to ensure good pedagogical practices. Hence,
the present paper is an attempt to discuss the urgency to enhance
the quality of pre-service training in our universities and institutions and relates the actual deficiencies felt by the trainers as well
as trainees. Such account would be collected through a students’
questionnaire, teachers’ interview, and students’ reflections. Implications would address both practitioners and decision-makers
to remedy the deficiencies

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How to Cite
Ben Osmane, N. (2021). Pre-service Training Prospects in the Algerian University: Between Achievements and Challenges. AL-Lisaniyyat, 27(2), 44-58.


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