On some controversial issues of the theory of generative and transformational grammar (Arabic translation

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Noam Tchomsky
Mazen El waer


A meeting with the American linguistics scientist, Dr. Noam Chomsky, Department of Living Languages ​​and Electronic Laboratory Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The interview was conducted by Mazen Al-Waer * Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 31, 1980.

   Every theory established about the human tongue is based - as the Danish linguist Wilmslev sees it - not only on the necessity of understanding the linguistic system in its form and how to use it, in its totality and individuality, but also on the necessity of understanding man himself and human society as a net behind the tongue in order to achieve its ultimate goal, which is to understand what... The human being is characterized by his universality. Although linguistic theory is very capable of achieving the goal, there is an ongoing dialectical struggle between man and reality that must be taken into account.

It was a great occasion for me to meet the American linguist, Professor Noam Chomsky, and I conducted this interrogation with him and presented to him some questions about linguistic theory and the results it yielded. Professor Chomsky - one of the greatest linguists of our time - kindly answered them, explaining some of the issues that have been raised at the present time regarding the theory that should be established about the tongue, and the controversy over it has become intense. Dr. Chomsky also explained how this theory of his relates to what is required by the standards of theories that are trying to be Accurate to what she wants.

   I owe the professor for reading this interrogation and for making some useful amendments and corrections.

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How to Cite
Tchomsky, N., & El waer, M. (1982). On some controversial issues of the theory of generative and transformational grammar (Arabic translation. AL-Lisaniyyat, 6(1), 66-81. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v6i1.686


حوار مع البروفيسور نعوم تشومسكي
Un entretien avec le professeur Noam Chomsky
An interview with Professor Noam Chomsky