Linguistic proficiency in reading texts in the school book. Explanations of difficult words in the first year book. An average model.

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Ismail Nadjah


It is clear to us by highlighting the difficult explanations of the words explained in the reading texts,
in the book "My book for first-year support"in this research, an obstacle to the understanding of the
learner when he takes it in conclusion and in the formulation of the ideas of the text, because it is
far from being valid, it can confuse The difficult words become more ambiguous and can win a
language, but it is an improper meaning, distorting its production, because the language that will
produce does not validate the validity of the meaning of words and therefore of words and texts
and therefore of authors of annotations, to read annotated texts, taking into account the true
meaning of the word, during its context, they took care of Ada on the linguistic meaning to facilitate
the explanation of words, sound words of meaning and clear understanding, so that we are in
correct way and a good effective language of the learner.

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How to Cite
Nadjah, I. (2020). Linguistic proficiency in reading texts in the school book. Explanations of difficult words in the first year book. An average model. AL-Lisaniyyat, 26(2), 213-221.

