Analytical study of a sample of Electronic language proficiency tests Of Arabic and comparing them to its equivalent of English - TOEFL iBT model -

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Sabah Brahmi


The current study aims to identify the electronic language proficiency tests in general and the Arabic
language proficiency tests available on the Internet in special, such as Al Ain test, Arabic CAP test,
and analysis them in terms of four language skills: reading and listening, speaking and writing,
vocabulary and linguistic structures, Evaluation and scale of scores, and comparing them to the
TOEFL iBT test, based on a set of criteria, including: the nature of the test, the target audience, the
Four language skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing, levels of assessment and range of
The study found that there is a great similarity between the tests mainly due to the adoption of most
electronic tests conducted through the Internet on the TOEFL test as the pioneer in the field, so the
evaluation method of the four skills in the three tests are somewhat similar, a computer assessment
for the skills of reading and listening, And a computer assessment and evaluator in writing and
speaking skills for the difficulty of measuring these skills automatically, while the differences
centered around the number of levels of language proficiency is more numerous in the TOEFL test
followed by the Arab CAP test and finally comes the Alain test, TOEFL has differentiated language
skills in terms of their nature, Reading and listening are two reciever skills. Speaking and writing are
two productive skills that depend on the learner's ability to reuse the knowledge, vocabulary and
structures acquired in the two previous skills.

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How to Cite
Brahmi, S. (2020). Analytical study of a sample of Electronic language proficiency tests Of Arabic and comparing them to its equivalent of English - TOEFL iBT model -. AL-Lisaniyyat, 26(2), 237-251.


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