Criteria for choosing the didactic text: Study on texts of the textbook of the fourth year of primary school
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The didactic text is regarded as a chief tool in teaching the linguistic and literary subject. It is
accordingly the cornerstone of didactic methods and the reference of which the Arabic language
branches such as grammar, morphology, lexicon, and systems are derived within what came to be
called textual approach. In this regard, the text has become, at once, the departing point and the end
of teaching Arabic language. Hence, the didactics all depart from the text to return to it eventually in
objective of constructing similar texts, or text with artistic and linguistic characteristics-like.
It has become incontestably appropriate to raise questions regarding the nature of didactic text,
their types through the ways the method deals with the text in terms of selection and use. In
attempt at answering these questions, the researcher examines texts in primary school textbook,
year four. The process involves the assessment of verbal and syntactic value in accordance with the
selection criteria of the modern approaches in didactics
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ثانيا: المراجع
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