Literary translation and invasion of the intruder in contemporary Arabic
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The present research deals with the impact of the literal translation on the system of the
Arabic sentence, which has become a simulation of the foreign style, coming from Europe
by some contemporary writers influenced by European culture, as well as by translators
sanctifying the Literacy, especially in the field of information, which is of paramount
importance in the rapid spread of the word and its effect in society, which has led to the
spread of the word and its strong effects in the society. This matter has led to the speed of
more strangeness in Arabic expressions through the extinction of the original and the
widespread of the intruder, which has become in use as an original.
The objective of our research is, therefore, to shed light on some intruder commonly used
expressions and to try to correct the badones without totally rejecting the intruder, because
the purpose is to mix up the original and the intruder by preserving the first and accepting
the second, which will lead to the enrichment of our Arabic language on one hand, and to
the preservation of its authenticity from the dominance of strangeness on the other hand.
Article Details
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