Linguistic characteristics of foreign advertising slogans and their role in translating it into Arabic

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El djouher Khalef


This paper is a study of the main linguistic characteristics of advertising slogans originally formulated in foreign languages such as English and French, in oeder to understand their role andto measure their direct impact on the translation of these particular structures ( slogans) into Arabic

The advertising slogan represents in fact a specific textual entity which is linguistically and semantically charged. The translator has to take this whole charge into consideration during the process of transferring them.

So the recourse to the second person YOU, comparatives and superlatives the imperative mood , puns and so on are all slogan linguistic specifities that we will here detail.

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How to Cite
Khalef, E. djouher. (2017). Linguistic characteristics of foreign advertising slogans and their role in translating it into Arabic. AL-Lisaniyyat, 23(2), 113-132.


see the full text p.131-p.132