Study of the Narrative of Three Algerian Aphasic Subjects Speaking Arabic Based on a Series of Unusual Stories

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Nadia Sam


We usually relate events in our everyday life. However, we can lose this ca- pacity after a focal brain damage affecting language caused aphasia. In order to reveal the various disturbances, we chose to study the narrative at three patients presenting a non-fluent aphasia speaking Algerian Arabic. We used illustrated unusual stories which we elaborated (1989) and revised (Senai, Sam, 2013). Moreover, we have proposed a theoretical model which explains narration by referring to the language psychology in order to understand the different cog- nitive processes involved in this action (comprehension and production of the story). The obtained results showed the presence of an agrammatism that we can describe by phonological errors, omissions, syntactic simplification and a miss- ing words. We can suggest that these deficits are related to a deficit in syntactic construction.

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How to Cite
Sam, N. (2017). Study of the Narrative of Three Algerian Aphasic Subjects Speaking Arabic Based on a Series of Unusual Stories. AL-Lisaniyyat, 23(2), 9-29.


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