Audio explanation of the mechanism of operation of the modud in teaching the Arabic language

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Tayeb Debba


In this research, we seek to provide an analytical reading that we hope will be sufficient to explain the mechanism of the modus operandi in the Arabic language system, and then to exploit the aspects of that interpretation and benefit from them in teaching and learning Arabic. By the mechanism of the function of the word, we mean how it occurs within the syntactic levels in which it combines with the other letters based on what is required by the laws of the Arabic tongue at each of those levels. The mechanism of operation of the length, across these levels, is subject to what is required by the laws of Arabic and its relationships within three subsystems: the phonological system, the morphological system, and the grammatical system. Our goal is to stand in every system On its graphical laws that control the mechanism of operation of the motor, and on its methodological purposes that define the parameters of its study. In light of our endeavor to address the linguistic content of the previous problem, we will divide this work into four axes, which are as follows: 1. Are the elongated vowels or letters? 2. Phonological interpretation of the mechanism of the modus operandi in the phonological system of the Arabic language. 3. Phonetic explanation of the mechanism of operation of the modud in the Arabic morphological system. 4. Phonological interpretation of the mechanism of the operation of the modud in the Arabic grammatical system. During our treatment of the previous axes, we will study the mechanism of the modus operandi and interpret its phonetic phenomena based on what is required by the three subsystems (the phonological system, the morphological system, and the grammatical system). In each system, the interpretive position of the mechanism of operation of the modul is based on special phonetic data, on a specific syntactic level, and on various methodological considerations, which it seems appropriate for Arabic teachers to pay attention to and benefit from in overcoming the difficulties of teaching and learning Arabic, whether the matter is related to the phonetic level, the morphological level, or the grammatical level.In addition to our adoption of the concepts of traditional phonetic studies found in grammar and language books, and books specialized in the sciences of recitation and intonation, the principles of modern phonetic study will be the basic methodological background from which we start in completing this research, and the reference support that, thanks to it, possesses its scientific legitimacy. Indeed, it is the great teacher. Evidence of its scientific relevance as academic scientific research. This is because the scientific significance of such research emerges in the extent to which it yields results from reading the linguistic heritage in general and the phonetic heritage in particular. In light of the approach to modern phonetic studies - critical review and evaluative reconstruction can develop the features of study and teaching of phonetic phenomena in the Arabic system, improve the scientific sense in them, renew their methodological paths, and correct any errors and suspicions that may arise in them.

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How to Cite
Debba, T. (2015). Audio explanation of the mechanism of operation of the modud in teaching the Arabic language. AL-Lisaniyyat, 21(1), 19-20.

