Introduction to transformational generative grammar: applied models to the Arabic language

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Ben youcef Hamidi


Recursivness is a linguistic phenomenon characterizing natural languages. It is a capacity that disposes an element to be repeated ad infinitum .This concept contributes certainly to reveal the secrets of the structure of the language system. However, linguists hardly ever gave any importance to this concept in their studies. Among the linguists who thought about its major importance for the study of language is Noam Chomsky. This latter tried in his first works to explain the creative aspect of language basing on the phenomenon of recursiveness. The present study is an attempt to apply this concept as well as its performances on the Arabic language (linear recursivity, recursivity by embedding, and recursivity by integration). In fact, the results obtained from such an application revealed the existence of a perfect accord among the generative transformational concepts as well as a systematic interference among the different levels of language.

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How to Cite
Hamidi, B. youcef. (2016). Introduction to transformational generative grammar: applied models to the Arabic language. AL-Lisaniyyat, 22(1), 45-65.


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