Notes on some conceptual approaches to the Unified Dictionary of Linguistics (second edition).

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Ben youcef Hamidi


This paper deals with the essential object of the dictionary, and in
particular the specialized dictionary, which is the definition or the
terminological definition. The corpus of our study is selected from one of the
most important dictionaries in Arabic modern linguistics, namely the Unified
Dictionary of Linguistic Terms (second edition, 2002), published by the
Bureau of Coordination of Arabization.
The study of the definitions of some key linguistic terms is based on
modern linguistic knowledge, from one hand, and on what is established in
modern terminological theories, from the other hand.

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How to Cite
Hamidi, B. youcef. (2012). Notes on some conceptual approaches to the Unified Dictionary of Linguistics (second edition). AL-Lisaniyyat, 18(2), 111-124.


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