Reference in specialized lexical text, a reading of the use of references in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms by Ramzi Mounir Al-Baalbaki

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Ben youcef Hamidi


This paper treats one of the essential external components of specialized
dictionaries. Their importance consists in the role they play in forming the conceptual
system of these dictionaries.
The textual entries of our study are selected from one of the important dictionaries
in Arabic modern linguistics, namely the Dictionary of linguistic terms elaborated
by Ramzi Munir Baalbaki (1990).
This study, applied on some key terminological entries, aims to reveal the
methodology followed by the author in the construction of the conceptual system of
his dictionary through the references.

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How to Cite
Hamidi, B. youcef. (2014). Reference in specialized lexical text, a reading of the use of references in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms by Ramzi Mounir Al-Baalbaki. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(2), 281-302.


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