Difficulties in accessing the mental lexicon for those with aphasia
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The goal of our study is to identify the deficits of access to mental lexicon, faced
by many aphasic subjects. thus, it was observed an impairment at phonological and
semantic representations. based primarily on substitutions, the additions and omissions
of consonants, errors at the lexicon, translating into a neologism and a length of
massive effect, and response absence. To understand the origins of its deficits, we
refer to models of cognitive architecture. trying to account for the words production
Mechanisms. Among these, the so-called Model "classic", and Models Directly from
the Neuropsychology congnitives; that of Morton, Levelt, Caramazza and Hillis; as
well as psycholinguistic data, addressed by authors who have approached aphasia. The
obtainend results showed in aphasic subjects, that a deficit at the congnitives operations,
is the origin of language pathologies affecting language capabilities.
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