The Application of Functional Grammar Theory in Teaching Arabic at the First Cycle in Algerian Primary School

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Mohamed Rebahi


Study examines the relevance of some principles of functional theory for teaching Arabic language at the
first stage of primary school in Algeria. It focuses on two functional theoretical principles that are suitable
for the specific characteristics of this educational level. To achieve this aim, a questionnaire with two
dimensions and 19 items was administered to a sample of 118 teachers from 40 primary schools. The results
revealed that even though the official curriculum and documents do not explicitly adopt functional theorybased approaches, some functional bases are present in the methods to teaching Arabic at the primary level
in Algeria.

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How to Cite
Rebahi, M. (2023). The Application of Functional Grammar Theory in Teaching Arabic at the First Cycle in Algerian Primary School . AL-Lisaniyyat, 29(2), 8-25.


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