POLYSEMIA IN KABYLE Treatment of some usual verbs

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Said Hassani


We will try to show in this article how a lexeme can convey various meanings and enjoy a polysemic
role, which is of paramount importance in communication between kabyle speakers and contributes
extremely to the lexical enrichment of kabyle language. The main aim is to identify the different
meanings of polysemous verbs by analysing their components or taxematic substances, which are classes
of sememes, and the units that activate them, which contribute to the emergence of new meanings and
combine with the polysemous verbs. Therefore, we examine the different semantic possibilities of some
common verbs used in Kabyle. The examination of a very reduced and less exhaustive corpus of
expressions used in Kabyle reveals that often a basic fundamental element plays the role of an essential
core around which the other units gravitate and serves to identify and find fix the meaning. We focuse
first on few verbs that have various meanings by looking for the sememes that constitute the essential
element in the formation of the used expression. Then, we tried to examine the semantic sphere of
polysemic verbs by looking for orientation possibilities in fixed expressions.

Article Details

How to Cite
Hassani, S. (2023). POLYSEMIA IN KABYLE Treatment of some usual verbs. AL-Lisaniyyat, 29(2), 260-269. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v29i2.597


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