Oral expression in the Arabic language curriculum in Algeria and Tunisia, First year of secondary education, letters - Critical analytical study
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This study carried out a reading of the Arabic language curriculum for secondary education in Algeria and Tunisia, in order to identify the new perception of the teaching of oral expression following the reform of the curricula in the two countries. She sought to reveal the extent of her ability to develop a modern and global scientific vision making it possible to overcome the problems and difficulties of speaking. A fundamental problem was raised, represented by the following questions: Have these curricula succeeded in developing a coherent and integrated vision of the teaching of oral expression, in determining its content and objectives, in clarifying the method of teaching and assessment, and didactic approaches and strategies and course duration? Were they able to open up to modern approaches and rely on scientific developments in their teaching?
This study concludes that there is a need to develop a vision that takes into account the importance of oral expression, its status, its characteristics and its advantages, based on modern didactic approaches.
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