Functioning of Scientific Metalanguage and Problem of Translation into Academic Arabic

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Abderrezak Dourari


It seldom happens that the translation of texts related to specialized fields using scientific metalanguages is done by specialists of the domains or by professional translators. Even in this case, observing the praxis shows clearly that these texts are dealt with as simple series of insignificant words for which it is supposed to find another series of “equivalent” words in Arabic. Our study of translation towards Arabic of texts related to the domain of the “subject semiotics”, done by R. BENMALEK, shows that the translating activity should, in all cases, follow a precise meaning path if we want to achieve an intersemioticity which allows the translation of a text from a verbal semiotics to another taking into account that the concept (or the term metalanguage) condenses and expresses a scientific thought process being a product of a particular epistemological field

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How to Cite
Dourari, A. (2006). Functioning of Scientific Metalanguage and Problem of Translation into Academic Arabic. AL-Lisaniyyat, 11(2), 83-100.


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