Les facultés mentales et leur rôle dans l'acquisition du langage : Une approche cognitive
Cet article explore l'approche cognitive de l'acquisition et de la reproduction des langues, en
soutenant que les êtres humains possèdent des systèmes cérébraux innés qui leur permettent
d'exercer une autorité cognitive, y compris le langage, la musique et la compréhension visuelle.
La grammaire universelle représente cette compétence, qui est le produit d'un apport social et
culturel. La grammaire mentale, y compris les modèles visuels et auditifs, aide les humains à
comprendre, à utiliser et à interpréter le langage.
Comment citer
Ben Souf, M. (2023). Les facultés mentales et leur rôle dans l’acquisition du langage : Une approche cognitive. AL-Lisaniyyat, 29(2), 26-69. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v29i2.586
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Jerry Fodor . (1983). The Modularity of Mind. Cambridge: MIT Press.
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N S Trubetzkoy. (1969). Principles Of Phonology. Berkeley, Ca: N.Suniversity Of California Press.
Noam Chomsky. (1968). Language and Mind. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World.
Noam Chomsky. (1975). Reflections On Language. New York: Pantheon Books.
Noam Chomsky. (1988). Language And Problems Of Knowledge: The Managua Lectures. Cambridge:
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Noam Chomsky. (1995). The Minimalist Program. . Cambridge: Mit Press, .
P Tibbetts. (1994). Patterns In The Mind: Language And Human Nature, Basic Books. USA.
Pylyshyn Zenon. (1984). Computation and Cognition. Cambridge: Ma: Mit Press.
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Ray Jackendoffو ، Peter Culicover, . (2005). Simpler Syntax. Oxford University Press.
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Susan Curtiss . (تاريخ بال(. Language As A Cognitive System: Its Independence And Selective Vulnerability.
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Susan Curtiss. (1977). A Linguistic Study Of A Modern-Day "Wild Child . New York: Academic Press.
William Stokoe . (2005). Sign Language Structure: An Outline Of The Visual Communication System Of
The American Deaf. Silver Spring10 ،(1)37-3
Eric Lenneberg. (1967). Biological Foundations Of Language. . New York: John Wiley & Sons.
F Lerdahlو ، R. S Jackendoff. (1996). A Generative Theory of Tonal Music, reissue, with a new preface. .
MIT press.
François Jacob . (10 Jun, 1977). Evolution And Tinkering. Science196 ،(4295)1166-1161 ،.
Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard. (1962). The Wild Boy Of Aveyron. (George Humphreyو ، Muriel Humphrey ،
المترجمون (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Jerry Fodor . (1983). The Modularity of Mind. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Kathy Hirsh-Pasek و ، Roberta M Golinkoff. (تاريخ بال(. Language Comprehension: A New Look At Some
Old Themes.". تأليف N Krasnegor, ،D Rumbaughو ، , M. Studdert-Kennedy ،Biological And Behavioral
Aspects Of Language Acquisition (20-301 الصفحات(. Hillsdale.
Maurice Grevisseو ، André Gooss . (2008). Le Bon Usage (14 اإلصدار(. Editions De Boeck Université Rue
Des Minimes.
N S Trubetzkoy. (1969). Principles Of Phonology. Berkeley, Ca: N.Suniversity Of California Press.
Noam Chomsky. (1968). Language and Mind. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World.
Noam Chomsky. (1975). Reflections On Language. New York: Pantheon Books.
Noam Chomsky. (1988). Language And Problems Of Knowledge: The Managua Lectures. Cambridge:
M.I.T. Press.
Noam Chomsky. (1995). The Minimalist Program. . Cambridge: Mit Press, .
P Tibbetts. (1994). Patterns In The Mind: Language And Human Nature, Basic Books. USA.
Pylyshyn Zenon. (1984). Computation and Cognition. Cambridge: Ma: Mit Press.
R Jackendoff. (1997). The architecture of the language faculty (28 المجلد(. mit Press.
R. S. Jackendoff. (1990). Semantic structures (18 المجلد(. MIT press.
Ray Jackendoffو ، Peter Culicover, . (2005). Simpler Syntax. Oxford University Press.
Ray Jackendoff. (2007). Language, Consciousness, Culture: Essays On Mental Structure. Mit Press.
Roger Brown. (1958.). Words And Things. New York: Free Press.
Roman Jakobsonو ، Halle Morris . (1956). Fundamentals Of Language. The Hague: Mouton, .
S Edward ،Klima و ، Ursula Bellugi. (1966). Syntactic Regularities In The Speech Of Children. (N J. Lyons
And R.J. Walesالمحرر ، (Psycholinguistics Papers219-189 الصفحات ،.
S Pinker. (1994). The Language Instinct. New Yor: k: William Morrow and Company.
Susan Curtiss . (تاريخ بال(. Language As A Cognitive System: Its Independence And Selective Vulnerability.
C. Otero.
Susan Curtiss. (1977). A Linguistic Study Of A Modern-Day "Wild Child . New York: Academic Press.
William Stokoe . (2005). Sign Language Structure: An Outline Of The Visual Communication System Of
The American Deaf. Silver Spring10 ،(1)37-3