Syntactic deficits in Broca's aphasics by exploiting the neokhalilian theory

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Fouzia Badaoui


In this study, we analyze the linguistic disorders in Broca’s aphasia
through a case study. We have set up a grid to analyze the linguistic output
of the disabled in order to learn how to produce syntactic structures using
the analytical principles of modern Khalilien theory. The results have
shown that the problems in the disorders that characterize the structures
of aphasic patients are not only difficulties in finding words, sentences,
but also phonemes, because their invocation requires the ability of the
individual to employ the model (schore) necessary to formulate structures
from roots to furu‘.

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How to Cite
Badaoui, F. (2018). Syntactic deficits in Broca’s aphasics by exploiting the neokhalilian theory. AL-Lisaniyyat, 24(2), 239-265.


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