ANALYSIS of syntax in BROCA and WERNICKE aphasics

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Fouzia Badaoui


We present in this paper the results of a research about the analysis of the syntax of two aphasics in order to come out with a description of the disorders which characterize the functioning their language faculty functions. Our main hypothesis lays on the fact that beyond the diversity of the aphasia symptoms, the origin of the disorder is always related to the loss of a grammatical process that we have to define.

In the analysis of aphasics language we have applied the neo-khalilian syntactic model and adopted a descriptive and explanatory method.

The obtained results have shown the inability of the Broca aphasic to integrate the elements in order to construct a structure. This leads to an inability to intro-duce aditions in the units’ combination ; while for the Wernicke aphasic, the problem is related to the random arrangement of the element in the structure con-struction.

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How to Cite
Badaoui, F. (2005). ANALYSIS of syntax in BROCA and WERNICKE aphasics. AL-Lisaniyyat, 10(2), 25-42.


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