Analyzing the speech disorders of the patient with Broca’s aphasia by exploiting the modern Khalilian linguistic model

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Assia Boumaraf
Fouzia Badaoui


In this research, we have used the concepts of the modern neo khalilian theory
to analyse Broca’s language disorders at the level of phonemes, words
and syntax. For this purpose, we have prepared a series of tests in order to
describe the disorders according to the different linguistic levels. After their
application, the study showing pathological characteristics that distinguish
the words of people with Broca’s aphasia in the different language levels.

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How to Cite
Boumaraf, A., & Badaoui, F. (2021). Analyzing the speech disorders of the patient with Broca’s aphasia by exploiting the modern Khalilian linguistic model. AL-Lisaniyyat, 27(2), 321-341.


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