The purpose of induction and deduction in science and how to benefit from them in the field investigation research

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Amira Mansour


What are the basics of scientific knowledge? What is the source of
generating new knowledge? What is the way to achieve scientific and
quality additions in research? Since science is not just a set of knowledge
to be learned but an activity for the production of knowledge, in this paper
we examined the endeavors pursued by researchers to infer the hypotheses
which serve as starting points in their research, or the observations they
collect on the reality that they are investigating, as long as science always
includes moments of reasoning and others for observation. Then, how is it
possible for researchers to enrich their field of investigation with cognitive,
conceptual or methodological additions through a new discovery, a new
interpretation or a different methodological application? In this paper,
we attempted to present and clarify the controversy of induction and
deduction in science from the perspective of epistemology and from the
perspective of engaging on these two endeavors in the field investigation
to find solutions to the problems that may be tackled by researchers.

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How to Cite
Mansour, A. (2021). The purpose of induction and deduction in science and how to benefit from them in the field investigation research. AL-Lisaniyyat, 27(1), 379-403.


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