Study of Phonetic and Phonological Disorders in Arabic-Speaking Aphasic Subjects

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Assia Boumaraf


This paper attempts to prove the efficiency of analyzing the phonetic and phonological disorders characterizing the aphasic’s speech through the neo-khalilian theory. To fulfill this objective, we have built a series of phonological tasks, then we have passed them to a Broca’s aphasic. Thanks to the analysis suggested in the neo-khalilian theory we have distinguished between three kinds of phonetic and phonological disorders:

            - Disorders affecting the root without affecting the scheme.

- Disorders affecting the scheme without having an effect on the root.

- Disorders affecting both the root and the scheme.

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How to Cite
Boumaraf, A. (2007). Study of Phonetic and Phonological Disorders in Arabic-Speaking Aphasic Subjects. AL-Lisaniyyat, 12(2), 79-103.


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