Cohabitation of the two Arabic and Tamazightlanguages within mozabite society Study of sample views of Beni-Isguen intellectuals

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Salima Habba aina
Yahia Ben yahia


Sociolinguistic studies usually deal with phenomena in which language
interacts with the concerns of society, the subject of this study, exploring
what results from the concomitant use of languages: cohabitation or
confrontation, causes and factors.
This article aims to highlight what lies behind linguistic cohabitation in
a plurilingual society, as is the case in various amazigh regions of Algeria.
According to a sociolinguistic approach to language practice in one of
these regions of southern Algeria, the Oued Mzab, practicing bilingualism
bearing signs of cohabitation between Arabic and Tamazight. The study
tries to answer a fundamental question: what about the cohabitation
between these two languages? This is followed by partial questions such
as: what is the vision of the amazigh mozabite intellectual vis-à-vis the
existence of Arabic with its mother tongue? Are there factors that promote
cohabitation between them?…etc.
From a questionnaire intended for a sample of intellectuals of both
genders, the study suggests some points of reference for the language
practice of this society: the great attachment of its members to the two
languages falling within the percentage of interest and mastery of each.At the same time, their jobs consistent with the appropriate context and
without antagonism reveal the cohabitation in question. The present study has highlighted the political and sociolinguistic factors behind this
cohabitation, as well as the obvious role of religion perceived through the
unique interest accorded to the Holy Quran associated with a culture with
religious reference.

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How to Cite
Habba aina, S., & Ben yahia, Y. (2022). Cohabitation of the two Arabic and Tamazightlanguages within mozabite society Study of sample views of Beni-Isguen intellectuals. AL-Lisaniyyat, 28(1), 65-87.


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