Reading errors and their treatment by adopting the (speak and write) method -Applied models on a sample of second year primary students

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Soumia Hamel


The learner acquires basic language competencies from the first
school years; These competencies are: verbal comprehension, written
comprehension, spoken production, and written production. The efficiency
of understanding the written is related to the activity of reading, which is
an activity that requires the ability to perform mental and verbal operations
represented in recognizing the written linguistic symbols, and then
pronouncing them correctly, and reading achieves its goal by realizing the
meanings that these symbols constitute.
This research paper seeks to present field samples of reading errors for
learners of the second year of primary education, in order to classify them
according to their type, and to try to explain the reason for each type of
them in order to suggest an effective mechanism in simultaneous language
processing, the linguistic error or the educational error in contemporary
educational approaches It is a starting point in the learning process.
With regard to the applied methodology, it is to attend an educational
session of the reading activity, and during the students’ alternation in
reading, the reading errors that they make are recorded, then applying
the “write and pronounce with the error” method (that is, the learner
writes the word that he did not succeed in reading), in order to answer the
following problem: What kind of reading errors do second year students
make, and how effective is the writing and speaking method in dealing
with them ? The research depends on employing the observation tool in
recording pronunciation errors that are related to not recognizing symbols or confusing similar ones, and does not concern itself with errors related
to speech difficulties and speech diseases associated with problems in
the learner’s speech system, whose treatment is the specialty of arthofon.
Among the most important findings, it is not possible to treat errors in one
way that suits everyone equally, even if their mistake is one.

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How to Cite
Hamel, S. (2023). Reading errors and their treatment by adopting the (speak and write) method -Applied models on a sample of second year primary students. AL-Lisaniyyat, 29(1), 49-70.


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