Investigating The Challenges Faced By A Group Of First Year Algerian Efl University Students When Studying Linguistics

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Nesrine Aoudjit Bessai


The present study aims at identifying the possible difficulties
encountered by a group of Algerian EFL University students
when reading and writing in the linguistics.The study also seeks to
investigate the approaches followed by students when tackling this
content course and the strategies they make use of to overcome
their difficulties. To reach these objectives an exploratory study,
comprising three research tools: a linguistics test followed by a
post-test questionnaire administered to all participants and a
focus group interview conducted with 9 students, was chosen.
The findings indicate that students’ difficulties to cope with the
linguistics course relate not only to their absence of strategy use,
but also to their lack of familiarity with the course, their teachers’
instructional practices, and their weak reading and writing ability.
Based on the findings of the present study, some recommendations
are suggested.

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How to Cite
Aoudjit Bessai, N. (2018). Investigating The Challenges Faced By A Group Of First Year Algerian Efl University Students When Studying Linguistics. AL-Lisaniyyat, 24(1), 89-120.


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