Psycholinguistic Study for the evaluation and the diagnosis of the aphasia among the arabic-speaking subjects. «Application of the Neo-khalilian model»

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Ouahiba Nasri Boudali


Our research focuses on a descriptive and analytical analysis of aphasia
by applying the linguistic models of Neo-khalian theory. The main hypothesis of our research suggests that aphasia affects the capacities of semiological-grammatical cohesion and logico-semantic coherence. To this
end, we have elaborated a protocol consisting of a language and aphasia
analysis grid and a test as well as other narrative proofs. This protocol was
applied to a sample of 30 individuals: 10 normal, 10 Broca aphasics and
10 Wernicke aphasics.
The results of this study showed that aphasia, if it is a disorder of semiological-grammatical cohesion and logical-semantic coherence, there is a
significant difference in these two capacities, depending on the specificity
of the disorder, the degree of variation of linguistic structures and the nature of their increments, whether it is «structuring» or «concatenation», or
the state of speech.

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How to Cite
Nasri Boudali, O. (2019). Psycholinguistic Study for the evaluation and the diagnosis of the aphasia among the arabic-speaking subjects. «Application of the Neo-khalilian model» . AL-Lisaniyyat, 25(1), 95-133.


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