Approaches and Methods Through Work Dealing with Interlanguage

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Malika Koudache


The objective of this article is to show to students the slight difference that exist between the approach and the method, and their use in the scientific re- search.

This requires to coming to some works that address the inter-language or the learner's language. This means to build on the way the researchers (working on the intermediate system) use a global linguistic theory in the analysis of their corpus composed of the writing of the college students, high school students or the neo- literate.

This particular way of using the chosen theory, is other than the application of

the definition of the approach as it has been formulated by the methodologists. Otherwise, this work assumes to give various senses to retain the semantic interpretation so that to satisfy widely the above mentioned context (work of research).

It is about the way to visualize and to organize the research,

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How to Cite
Koudache, M. (2017). Approaches and Methods Through Work Dealing with Interlanguage. AL-Lisaniyyat, 23(2), 57-72.


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