An audio-physical study of the speech of a person suffering from Parkinson's disease in an Algerian hospital setting

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Kamel Ferrat


Many speech acoustical features are analysed in order to characterize the speech produced by a Parkinson’s patient in Algeria’s hospitals. Some classical acoustical parameters such as pitch, formants and energy are extracted. Moreover, other parameters are also used to estimate the degree of vocal dysfunction and to reflect the deviation of the voiced speech signal compared to the normal voice periodicity. The acoustical features in pathological voice are respectively: Jitter (measure of the overall stability of the fundamental frequency over time), Shimmer (measure of the regularity of the intensity) and estimation of the Harmonics-to-Noise Ratio (HNR).

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How to Cite
Ferrat, K. (2009). An audio-physical study of the speech of a person suffering from Parkinson’s disease in an Algerian hospital setting. AL-Lisaniyyat, 14(2), 59-78.


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