Acoustic analysis of pathological speech
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This study aims to make a contribution in the field of speech pathology, by offering technical support for the rehabilitation of patients: acoustic analysis. Also, it should help to develop acoustic-physiological databases of pathological voices and speech, because there is a glaring deficit in the field in Algeria. In acoustic analysis, recordings of pathological speech are made and then compared to recordings of speech from normal speakers. Several acoustic indices are then estimated to characterize the speech produced by patients with speech disorders. In addition to classic acoustic parameters such as the evolution of the fundamental frequency, formant tracking, pronunciation duration and intensity, other indices are also taken into account because they allow a better appreciation of the degree of disturbance of pathological speech. Among these acoustic indices we have: The Jitter (measurement of the degree of disturbance of the fundamental frequency), the Shimmer (measurement of the degree of disturbance of the amplitude) and the HNR (measurement of the harmonics/noise ratio to estimate the degree of 'alteration of voice quality). Generally speaking, The objective of this presentation is to show that acoustic analysis can support the rehabilitation of a patient and evaluate, objectively, the evolution of this rehabilitation over time. Acoustic analysis cannot replace the classic rehabilitation method, implemented by the speech therapist in the hospital environment, but it can help him in improving his rehabilitation technique and especially the periodic evaluation of the improvement of the quality of voice and speech obtained after a period of rehabilitation. Likewise, it reinforces and supports the auditory message and makes objective what may escape the ear of the speech therapist. The fact remains that the work that we have carried out in the field shows a flagrant lack of cooperation between the speech therapist practicing in a hospital environment, the phonetic or acoustician engineer or researcher in the research laboratory and finally the speech therapist teaching in a university setting.
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