Patterns of speech disorders among a sample of moderately deaf children wearing hearing aids - a physical audio study

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Kamel Ferrat
Nacira Cheoual


The average deafness is a hearing loss which causes several articulation disorders. Hence the importance of wearing a hearing aid to help patients to hear sounds of language properly and thus communicate better with those around them. This study was conducted the essential aim to demonstrate the ability of hearing aids to assist people subject to average deafness to discriminate the acoustic characteristics of the Arabic language sounds, allowing them to overcome difficulties of articulation of these sounds. The obtained results show a presence of several articulation disorders of Arabic sounds in children with average hearing loss, such as substitution, elision, assimilation, addition and deformation of Arabic consonants at inside of a continuous speech act. Most consonants prone to these disorders are the posterior consonants, particularly the fricatives and sibilants. A rehabilitation taking into account these constraints will allow better taking care of schooling of the child

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How to Cite
Ferrat, K., & Cheoual, N. (2016). Patterns of speech disorders among a sample of moderately deaf children wearing hearing aids - a physical audio study. AL-Lisaniyyat, 22(1), 93-116.


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العنوان: اكساب تلاميذ مستوى التعليم المتوسط قواعد اللغة العربية باستغلال مبادئ النظرية الخليلية الحديثة
المؤلف: بودلعة حبيبة
الكلمات المفتاحية
النظرية الخليلية الحديثة - الوحدات اللغوية - النحاة العرب القدامى - الدرس النحوي.
تعت ر النظرية الخليلية الحديثة قراءة جديدة لما أثبته النّحاة العرب الأوائل. وسنحاول من خال هذا المقال استغلال ما جاءت به هذه النّظرية في ميدان تعليم اللغة العربية وتعلّمها بطريقة إجرائية وعلمية. ولتحقيق ذلك بدأنا بتعريف وجيز للنظرية الخليلية الحديثة التي استقينا منها المبادئ الأساسية التي وضعها النحاة العرب القدامى، والوسائل المنهجية التي اتخذوها لوصف اللغة العربية وتحليلها منذ قرون، ثم عرّفنا الوحدات اللغوية وكذا مستويات التحليل اللغوي حسب النموذج الخليلي الحديث. وختمنا مقالنا باق راح نموذج لعملية عرض الدرس النحوي باستغلال تلك المفاهيم

La théorie néo Khaliliènne est une nouvelle lecture des travaux des anciens grammairiens Arabe. Nous essayons a travers cet article de prouver l'efficacité de la théorie néokhalilienne et de l'exploiter dans le domaine de l'enseignement/ apprentissage de l’arabe. Pour cela, nous présentons brièvement la théorie néo-khalilienne, source principale d'où nous avons extrait les outils méthodologiques et les principes avancés par les anciens grammairiens arabes pour la description de l'arabe il y a plusieurs siècles. Ensuite, nous examinerons comment certaines unités linguistiques ont été définies à travers le nouveau modèle khalilien d'analyse. Enfin, nous terminons notre travail par la possibilité de proposer un modèle de leçon de grammaire en exploitant ces concepts.

Mots clés:
La théorie néo-khalilienne - les unités linguistiques - les anciens grammairiens arabes - la leçon grammaticale.

The neo-khalilian theory is a new reading of the works of the first Arab grammarians. We try through this paper to prove the efficiency of the neokhalilian theory and exploit it in the field of teaching Arabic procedural and scientific way. For this, we start by presenting briefly the neo-khalilian theory, being the main source from which we have extracted the methodological tools and the principals put forward by the first Arab grammarians for the description of Arabic many centuries ago. Then we review how some linguistic units have been defined through the new khalilian model of analysis. Finally we end our paper by the possibility to propose a model of the grammar lesson to exploit these concepts.
Keywords: The Neo-khalilian theory- linguistic units - the first Arab grammarians- grammar lesson
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