Forensic Application to Speaker Voice Recognition

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Ouassila Kenai


In this article, we are interested in the Voice Recognition of Arabic Speakers with a view to Forensics, that is to say in the Criminalistics field (RVC) in particular on the two major tasks the Voice Identification of a Forensic Arabic Speaker (IVC) and Vocal Authentication of a Forensic Arabic Speaker (AVC) in text-independent mode. From the vocal signals of these speakers, information relating to their identities is extracted by cepstral analysis MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) with the latter by estimating GMM models (Gaussian Mixture Models) of robust speakers. Thus, a voice trace can be analyzed and subsequently compared with GMMs by applying the Bayesian approach, Likelihood-Ratio (LLR), in order to allow its identification and authentication. Our experiments carried out on the RVC system show that a GMM composed of 32 Gaussians is largely sufficient to represent the distribution of the vectors of a single speaker (the criminal) as well as the recording material which gives better performance of this elaborate system. . Indeed, we obtained satisfactory results. These can help the justice system to make a decision in order to resolve forensic problems

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How to Cite
Kenai, O., & GUERTI, M. (2014). Forensic Application to Speaker Voice Recognition. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(1), 53-62.


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