التحليل النطقي للحروف الساكنة المؤكدة في اللغة العربية الفصحى

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Khaled Baazi


The emphasis is an important phenomenon in the Arabic language. Different studies have been the subject of many discussions concerning the movements and positions of the articulatory organs during the pronunciation of emphatic consonants (EC) and their influence on the contiguous phenomena. That is why the emphasis presents a special interest and should be the subject of deep acoustico-articulatory research.

Standard Arabic is consonantal in its majority, it contains 28 consonant, four of which are emphatic and six are vowels (three long vowels and three short vowels), these ones can be also emphasized in the neighbourhood of the EC.

In this study, we dealt with a corpus made up of carrying words containing the (EC) [®], [t], [©] and [s], from which we have studied every consonant’s mechanism in different short vocalic contexts. We restricted our study to the movements of the back, center and apex of the tongue. Our work rests on the use of the articulograph AG100 whose functioning as well as the procedure adopted for the removal of articulatory data are briefly described. The obtained results from the articulogrammes are interesting. They can be used in vocal synthesis and recognition systems.

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How to Cite
Baazi, K., & GUERTI, M. (2005). التحليل النطقي للحروف الساكنة المؤكدة في اللغة العربية الفصحى. AL-Lisaniyyat, 10(2), 95-106. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v10i2.280



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