Automatic Classification of Arabic Back Consonants for Correction of Phonemic Substitution

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Ahcène Abed


In this article, we present an automatic classification system for Arabic back consonants [q][ɂ] and [x][ḥ]. The main goal is to build a speech therapy aid system for Algerian children suffering from functional phonemic substitution problems. This system is an application of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) based on the Hidden Markov Model or HMM (Hidden Markov Model). The parameterization of speech signals is based on a cepstral representation using MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) with its first and second derivatives. An objective assessment was applied to our work. The latter shows good performance, with Recognition Rates of 90.71% for the sound [q] and 91.71% for the [x].

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How to Cite
Abed, A., & GUERTI, M. (2014). Automatic Classification of Arabic Back Consonants for Correction of Phonemic Substitution. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(1), 127-134.


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