The scientific contribution of the Professor abderrahman hadj salah to the domain of language didactics

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Karima Aouchiche
Saliha Mekki
Habiba Boudelaa
Fatiha Khelout


Pr Abderrahman Hadj Salah had always been interested in analysing
the Algerian educational system, publishing a number of articles about the
importance that has to be given to language teaching at all the levels from
the primary school to the university. In this context, we seek in this paper
to highlight the most important scientific principles according to Pr Hadj
Salah that have to be taken into consideration for teaching and learning
Arabic language, especially his views on the language that must be taught
to the learner, and how to develop language curricula for the mastery of
both the linguistic and the communicative competencies

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How to Cite
Aouchiche, K., Mekki, S., Boudelaa, H., & Khelout, F. (2021). The scientific contribution of the Professor abderrahman hadj salah to the domain of language didactics. AL-Lisaniyyat, 27(2), 11-29.


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