Reading on the theory of mediation by Jean GAGNEPAIN in the light of the work of the ancient Arabs

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Farida Belahda


Mediation theory is a model of analysis in the humanities, which seeks to
find some sort of empirical verification in the clinic of psychopathology.
For this reason, the theory presents With itself as “clinical anthropology,
which, to getherits various psychological or linguistic fields, not only
provides explanations or scientific hypotheses, but also aims to subject
these sciences to experimentation in the field of clinical studies, where
they appear in pathological conditions such as aphasia, motor agnosia,
Psychosis and neurosis, whatever its therapeutic aspect.
In this article, we would like to highlight the most important principles
of this theory in light of the linguistic studies of the ancient Arabs due to
the adoption of this theory and the work of the ancient Arabs on a common
premise to the study of speech diseases, which is the inability to separate
language levels theoretically, but this process is used in practical cases
where it embodies the pathological aspects of language users

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How to Cite
Belahda, F. (2021). Reading on the theory of mediation by Jean GAGNEPAIN in the light of the work of the ancient Arabs. AL-Lisaniyyat, 27(2), 109-131.


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