The place of the grammatical term in general language dictionaries

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Farida Belahda


Teaching the basic concepts of Arabic grammar is important for
understanding it. Lexicographers use grammatical data to explain the
meaning of words in dictionaries because grammar reveals the semantic
functions of words in the grammatical structure, which makes dictionaries
the appropriate medium to contain this material. To this end, what is the
concept of grammar? How has it been treated in linguistic dictionaries?
What definition has been given to it? The answer to these questions lies in
the delimitation of the characteristics of the grammatical term in relation
to the scientific terms in linguistic dictionaries.
The aim is to demonstrate through this descriptive and analytical study
that the grammatical concept has the same characteristics as the scientific
concept while being specified in the description of the language. It follows
a descriptive definition of the language while resorting to other types such
as inclusive and relational definitions. We conclude that the grammatical
concept is absent from dictionary entries that provide morphological data
alongside entries in most dictionaries.

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How to Cite
Belahda, F. (2022). The place of the grammatical term in general language dictionaries. AL-Lisaniyyat, 28(1), 341-360.


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