Criteria for arranging sub-entries in the intermediate and upholstered dictionary in contemporary Arabic

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Farida Belahda


The dictionary is a tool used to find the definition of difficult words. This tool
is presented in an organized manner on the basis of principles and criteria used by
the lexicographer. Among these principles, we can mention the organisation into
main and secondary entries. And what interests us in this study is the order of the
secondary entries, that is to say the vertical structure of the dictionary focusing
on the principles and criteria which define the choice of the infrastructure of the
main entry.
Our study is limited to the definition of the criteria adopted for the classification
of the entries in «al-Wassit» and «al-Mundjid fi-I-Lugha al-Arabiyya al-Muassira»
upon a comparative description based on these two dictionaries.

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How to Cite
Belahda, F. (2014). Criteria for arranging sub-entries in the intermediate and upholstered dictionary in contemporary Arabic. AL-Lisaniyyat, 20(2), 143-174.

