Patterns of speech disorders among a sample of moderately deaf children wearing hearing aids - a physical audio study

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Habiba Boudelaa


The neo-khalilian theory is a new reading of the works of the first Arab grammarians . We try through this paper to prove the efficiency of the neo-khalilian theory and exploit it in the field of

teaching Arabic procedural and scientific way. 

For this , we start by presenting briefly the neo-khalilian theory, being the main source from which we have extraxted the methodological tools and the principals put forward by the first Arab grammarians for the description of Arabic many centuries ago. Thern new khalilien model of analysis. Finally we end our paper by the possibility to propose a model of the grammar lesson to exploit these concepts.

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How to Cite
Boudelaa, H. (2016). Patterns of speech disorders among a sample of moderately deaf children wearing hearing aids - a physical audio study. AL-Lisaniyyat, 22(1), 117-150.


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