Eloquence and melody in the Arabic language

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Karima Aouchiche


We describe in this paper the arabic language during the era of the fasäha: this competence which the Arabs have inherited from generation to generation; then, the way this intuitive competence has changed and disappeared in the spontaneous communication with the arrival of Islam because of the contact between Arabs and other human races. In fact, this interaction between arabic and the other languages has led to the appearance of deviations from the initial norm. The propagation and extension of these deviations have led to the progressive change of the spoken arabic language known as fasiha into a set of dialects at the level of the spontaneous daily communication. The fasih language kept the only level which we taught and which was exclusively used in the formal communication.

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How to Cite
Aouchiche, K. (2009). Eloquence and melody in the Arabic language. AL-Lisaniyyat, 14(2), 17-34. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v14i2.417


Hadj-Salah, A., Linguistique arabe et linguistique générale: essai de méthodologie et d’épistémologie du ‘ilm Al-‘ Arabiyya, Paris-Sorbonne: 1979, 2 tomes.
— 'Linguistique et phonétique arabes‘, Revue Al-Lisaniyyat, n° 8, 2003, Centre de recherche scientifique et technique pour le développement de la langue Arabe, Algérie.
-full text p.33-p.34

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