The effect of linguistic bilingualism (colloquial-classical) on the use of constructions, according to investigations conducted in the third stage of basic education.

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Karima Aouchiche


The algerian student lives a complex linguistic phenomenon namely diglossia; this
latter, results from the fact of leaning the standard Arabic at school while using essentially
the dialectal Arabic in the social environment. The interference between these twolevels
appears during the learning process and of‘course the most used level influences the
competence acquired at school in which case some semantic and syntactic mistakes appear.

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How to Cite
Aouchiche, K. (2003). The effect of linguistic bilingualism (colloquial-classical) on the use of constructions, according to investigations conducted in the third stage of basic education. AL-Lisaniyyat, 8(1), 95-110.


Abderrahmane Hadj-Salah, Linguistique arabe et linguistique générale. Essai de méthodologie et d’épistémologie du ‘ilm al-‘arabiyya. Paris: 1979, tome 2.
Charles.A. Ferguson, « Diglossia »,1959, In word n° 2,tome 15.
William Marçais, « La diglossie Arabe » L’enseignement public, 1930, vol. 97.

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