Language Disorders Observed in Writing Among Arabic-Speaking Aphasics

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Assia Boumaraf


Through this research we tried to approach the speech difficulties which can
appear at the level of writing for two Arabic speaking aphasic patients. Our study is
based on a linguistic model which takes into account the phonological and
grammatical specificities of arabic, i.e. the neo-khalilien model. In addition to that,
we chose the clinical methodology of the mediation theory. Although the two
patients presented pathological disturbances at the level of the written language
accompanied by the lack of word on the spoken language, the investigation that we
carried out proved that they have different disorders. Whereas, the first patient
suffers from a phonological deficit which dominates all observed impairments, the
second patient does not suffer from phonological deficit, but his deficit is situated at
the level of the word and especially at the level of the scheme.

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How to Cite
Boumaraf, A. (2009). Language Disorders Observed in Writing Among Arabic-Speaking Aphasics. AL-Lisaniyyat, 14(2), 97-136.


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