"What Remains of the Idea of ​​Progress in Language Didactics

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Taher loucif


The author treats the idea of excessive trust toward the progress in the field of language teaching. He provides criticism on the work of some specialists in rela- tion to the necessary conditions for an efficient change. Sequentially, he suggests a number of possible solutions considering the particularity in evolution of the French educational system.

He also emphasized on the necessity of viewing the progress critically, giving priority to the values of the French society rather than accepting it as an absolute universal idea. Consequently, this should be treated as dynamic matter that is subject to evolution and diversity away from ideological fanaticism.

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How to Cite
loucif, T. (2017). "What Remains of the Idea of ​​Progress in Language Didactics. AL-Lisaniyyat, 23(2), 65-78. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v23i2.283


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