Harmony between the curriculum and the educational book: A study of the model “The Arabic language curriculum and the book for teaching language, literature, and interesting texts for the first year of secondary education,” Arts.

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Taher loucif


The subject of the intervention revolves around monitoring a number of aspects in which the book Teaching Texts, Literature, and Guided Reading for the First Year of Secondary Education departed from the demands and requirements of the curriculum, showing a clear imbalance in the harmony that must be present in the educational and instructional documents with education that promotes the teaching of a subject. The intervention focused on a large number Of the imbalances between the curriculum of the aforementioned educational stage and the educational book that is supposed to represent those pedagogical demands and requirements.

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How to Cite
loucif, T. (2008). Harmony between the curriculum and the educational book: A study of the model “The Arabic language curriculum and the book for teaching language, literature, and interesting texts for the first year of secondary education,” Arts. AL-Lisaniyyat, 13(2), 61-68. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v13i2.329


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