Didactic of written expression and stages of its learning: A comparison between Ibn Khaldoun's opinion and the method "Talk for writing"

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Farida Belahda


Written expression is a didactic activity, in which the pupil uses a group of mental and non-mental
processes, where he faces situations of communication. The pupil then uses his skills and real
knowledge to deal with problematic situations. In this sense, the written language is no longer just
putting isolated sentences ; it is a use of mechanisms that are subject to the different contexts that
allow pupils to express their sent messages. In this article, we will try to determine what is the
written expression and what are its most important goals with a comparison between what says Ibn
Khaldun and the method "talk for writing" of Pie Corbett about the steps of the acquisition of
written expression.

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How to Cite
Belahda, F. (2020). Didactic of written expression and stages of its learning: A comparison between Ibn Khaldoun’s opinion and the method "Talk for writing". AL-Lisaniyyat, 26(2), 134-144. https://doi.org/10.61850/allj.v26i2.113


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